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Pictured: CREDIT's Executive Board and First G-Body Class (2020)

A Note from the Founders:

Welcome to the Cornell Real Estate Development and Investment Trust!

Our mission at CREDIT is to offer unparalleled investment and educational opportunities that bridge academic theory with real-world practice in real estate. We aim to provide our members with hands-on experience through active participation in real estate development and investment projects, thereby preparing them for a successful career in this dynamic field. 

Whether you are new to real estate or looking to deepen your existing knowledge, CREDIT offers a platform to engage with industry leaders, participate in exclusive workshops, and manage real-life projects that make a tangible impact. We are committed to fostering a nurturing environment where you can grow your network, enhance your skills, and contribute meaningfully to the community. 

We started as passionate freshman wanting to bring more opportunities to the Cornell community to learn more about real estate, engage with our peers in a common industry, and begin to intelligently invest. 

We now look forward to continuing to support our members and alumni of our community alike. We also look forward to building new relationships and working with new members, firms, and partners in the years ahead. 


Ben Gelb and Jared Makheja 

Founding President and Vice President, CREDIT

Finding Opportunities, Maximizing Value

School of Hotel Administration

SC Johnson School of Business

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

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This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

© 2023 by Cornell Real Estate Development & Investment Trust

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