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Preparing the next generation of real estate investors and owners

Workshops acclimate CREDIT members to real estate vocabulary and prepare members for professional recruitment.

Club members also develop valuable friendships during workshops.


Corporate partners provide our members with real-world experience. Our partners are:

1. The Industrial Realty Group
2. Keller Williams
3. The Agency Real Estate
4. Mansfield Holdings, LLC


CREDIT takes trips to development sites to learn about investment strategies from industry leaders.

CREDIT has taken trips to development sites in NY, FL, VA, and MN.

New Member Education


New CREDIT members enter an intensive semester long education program. The program will help new members:

1. Develop teamwork skills.

2. Value different asset classes.

3. Create investment models.

4. Evaluate real estate trends.

Finding Opportunities, Maximizing Value

School of Hotel Administration

SC Johnson School of Business

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

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This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

© 2023 by Cornell Real Estate Development & Investment Trust

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